Category: Article

  • How to see online users in WordPress?

    How to see online users in WordPress?

    Do you want to see who’s currently online, when was the last time users logged in, or if they never logged in once they’ve registered? Monitoring online / offline users can be beneficial for membership sites, e-commerce store or on educational platforms. You can easily achieve this with the WPForce Logout plugin. Once the plugin…

  • WordPress Auto logout on Browser Close

    WordPress Auto logout on Browser Close

    Would you like your customers to be automatically logged out when they close their browser? Automatically logging out the users is a secure feature for sites that do not want customers to be logged in for the default time by WordPress even when they don’t logout manually. WordPress login sessions are expired on 48 hours…

  • How to disable emails conditionally in WordPress?

    How to disable emails conditionally in WordPress?

    Are you or your customers tired of receiving unnecessary emails from your WordPress site? “Disable Emails Conditionally” is the solution you’ve been looking for! This powerful plugin allows you to selectively disable any emails you don’t want, from new user registrations to plugin updates and more. Do not irritate your customers by sending unnecessary emails.…

  • How to automatically log out idle users in WordPress?

    How to automatically log out idle users in WordPress?

    Do you want to force log out idle users in your WordPress site? Logging out idle users helps protect user privacy by ensuring that sensitive information is not accessible to others who may use the same device later. It also helps prevent unauthorized access to user accounts if a user forgets to log out or…

  • How to disable ANY emails you don’t like from WordPress!

    How to disable ANY emails you don’t like from WordPress!

    WordPress sends too many automatic emails that you probably do not want such as new user registration emails, plugin/theme automatic updates emails, change of password emails, etc. Along with this, you probably have plugins active on your site sending emails that you do not need. You are probably getting too many spam emails from your…